authentication security

Two factors authentication


\O/ WOW, now is possible abilitate the 2 factor autentication also for the users of noblogs!

Remember that is different from the login of your Autistici/Inventati panel.

Because to open a noblogs you don’t need strictly an email on Autistici/Inventati, because we give the possibility to open a Noblogs also with email of other nice servers (here the list!).

So now you can take care more of you login on Noblogs!  :*

== Description ==

Use the “Two-Factor Options” section under “Users” → “Your Profile” to enable and configure one or multiple two-factor authentication providers for your account:

– Email codes
– Time Based One-Time Passwords (TOTP)
– FIDO Universal 2nd Factor (U2F)
– Backup Codes
– Dummy Method (only for testing purposes)

So you can choose between:

  • Enable Two-Factor Authentication using time-based one-time passwords (using some apps for smartphone: OTP, free-OTP or Google Authenticator),
  • Universal 2nd Factor (FIDO U2F, YubiKey),
  • email
  • and backup verification codes.

Here the code that we use of the plugin:

We checked in the plugin that there aren’t external calling to external server, except Autistici/Inventati.